Ka is a Wheel: And These Other Things are Wheels

In “The Dark Tower” by Stephen King, characters from Mid-World and beyond have a knack for saying that ka is a wheel. The following are some other things that are wheels:
Bicycle Tubing is a Wheel
Ka is a wheel, and so is bicycle tubing. What goes around comes around.

Certain Cheeses are Wheels

Brie and Camembert can be bought in wheels.
Camembert Fun Facts! Did You Know:
- That camembert is basically brie, only with small modifications that only dweebs care about?
- That camembert contains ribbonflavors or whatever?
- That camembert pairs with crusty nuts?
- That camembert was invented in 1791?

Ka is a Wheel, and so is a Hula Hoop
Hula hoops are a “wheely good” way to stay in shape.

Those Rolly Things on Your Luggage are Wheels
Look at that word. “Luggage.” What do you think it would sound like if a French person said that?
It looks French, right?
That’s because it is!
Just kidding, it’s “bagage.” Stupid idiot.
Fun luggage facts:
- The word comes from lug + age, denoting the age in years of a big lug
- A lot of luggage comes with a handle, which rhymes with candle
- Some luggage is rectangular
- The word “luggage” can be translated into over a million languages
- There are only 6,500 languages
- 6,502 if you include the high speech and whatever the Taheen speak
- 6,503 if you count Klingon

The Grapes on This Fruit Car are Wheels

As Eddie Dean said, “ka ka.”